Creative therapy – Healing through the arts

Creative therapy – Healing through the arts

Did you know that our brains transform when we participate in the arts? Neuro-aesthetics is the study of how the arts can measurably change the brain, body, and behaviour. How you can apply some of these benefits for health and wellbeing are discussed below.

Creative activities are powerful individual tools for self-expression, stress management and emotional processing. These benefits reach new hights when done in groups. Synchronise art forms like dance, singing, and music allow for the release of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, create stronger community bonds. Socially based art forms are so important as they create a sense of belonging which is often the starting block in the journey for good mental health and well-being.

Freedom is found in the expression and the process of art forms. So, what are you waiting for? Below is a list of creative therapy ideas to help you melt away stress and anxiety.

Art therapy

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Add some colour to your week by joining an adults painting class. Some art classes include eats and a glass of wine to make the night out a real highlight on your social calendar. Traditional art forms like; painting, drawing, sculpting, and collage making are known to help people express emotions where words seem to fail.

Music therapy

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If you are feeling low get up and sing! Music is a very powerful tool for people struggling with depression as it ignites neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, and hormones like oxytocin that makes one feel good, comfortable, and safe. This is another great reason to start learning that instrument you’ve always wanted to play. Music tuition can be one on one or done in a group setting with others at the same skill level. There are so many benefits to adding music to your daily life from settling a fussy baby, to even wording off an anxiety attack. So, dust off those vocal cords and start singing for joy today.

Dance/movement therapy

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Don’t overthink it – go ahead, sign up for a dance class and get your body moving for 60 minutes. This type of movement reduces headaches as more oxygen enters your bloodstream. Serotonin, the feel-good hormone, is also released to the brain making each dance class an enjoyable and memorable one. 

Writing therapy

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Looking for an art form that is soothing? Try journaling, creative writing, or poetry. Poetry tends to calm the amygdala portion of our brains and increase our focus. This is important as the amygdala is the section of our brain that processes emotions such as fear and motivation. Poetry can also be read as a performative art form, providing a platform for poets to express their emotional journeys to wholeness and mental wellbeing.

Drama therapy

This is a fun and playful therapy as one takes time to step away from their reality and immerse themselves in imagination. It can be a truly freeing experience as one takes on different characters, allowing for actors to experience varied emotions in a larger-than-life way. Role-playing exercises and improvisation dramas are unique ways to boost self-awareness and self-esteem in a playful and accepting environment.

Everyone can benefit from 60 minutes of ‘unplugged’ and creative ‘offline’ wellbeing. Take some time to let your hair down and plan a creative ‘pick me up’ for your next week. Who knows - you could just be the next Picasso?

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