We’ve rounded up seven super-simple workouts that target your core.
Why is this so important? Because the core consists of a large group of muscles – abdominals, hips and back – that are not only key to looking sleek in a swimsuit. They also help to prevent injury, improve posture, boost balance and increase overall strength and stability.
2. Plank
One exercise you either love or hate, planks work your core hard and they definitely pay off because they tighten your abdominal muscles and your obliques. They also strengthen your spine and improve overall posture.
Begin on all fours as if you are going to do a push-up then place your forearms on the floor with your elbows directly below your shoulders. You may clasp your hands together in front of you, or keep your palms flat on the floor.
Engage your leg muscles and extend your legs straight out behind you, toes tucked under.
Now lift your body off the ground, pulling in your tailbone and engaging your core.
Hold for 30 to 60 seconds then release. Repeat 10 times.
2. Mountain climber
Start with a plank position, keeping your back flat, and abs contracted.
Pull the right knee toward the chest as far as possible. Then switch legs, bringing the right knee out and the left knee in.
The hips should be kept down, moving the knees as far up and as fast as possible. Run up that mountain!
3. Tabletop
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, arms at your sides, palms facing downwards. Do not arch your lower back or lift your hips off of the floor.
Now lift your legs up and bend at the knee so that they form a table-top shape.
Hold for 30 seconds before lowering legs slowly back down to starting position. Repeat 10 times.
4. Windshield wipers
Start on your back as for tabletop, then put legs straight up in the air at a 90 degree angle to your body. Spread arms to the sides for balance.
Now rotate both legs to the right, stopping just above the floor.
Keep your left shoulder anchored to the floor as you use your oblique (side) muscles to pull your legs back up to centre. Rotate to the left side and repeat six times on each side, 12 in total.
5. Superman
Lie face down on the floor, arms extended past your head, legs out straight.
Lift feet off the ground and raise your upper body, like a backward bend.
Lower slowly and repeat 10 times.
(If you find this too tough, try raising the opposite arm and leg at the same time.)
6. One-leg reach
For this deceptively simple exercise, start by standing upright, feet slightly apart. Now balance on one leg and stretch the other leg out in front of you, lifting it as you go.
Keep your shoulders down, tuck in your tail bone, and engage your core. You’ll probably feel the burn in your butt and thighs as well as your core.
Avoid using momentum, and try to keep your hips as still as possible.
If you can’t balance on one leg, try holding on to a door frame, or table for support, and make it tougher by widening the gap between your feet.
7. Accordion crunch
We all know crunches strengthen your stomach so make it even stronger with accordion crunches.
Lie with your back flat on the floor, your knees drawn up to a 45º angle with feet flat in front (as you would be for a conventional crunch).
For the accordion crunch, tilt your pelvis back towards you, then lift your shoulders up from the floor. The pelvic tilt helps to isolate and keep the tension on the abdominals.
Slowly roll back down to starting position. Do 10 repetitions.
Tip: remember to breathe!
Strength-training helps to bulletproof your body against injury, so get into gear and engage your core. Whether you want to push your body to the max this summer, or just push a supermarket trolley with ease, a strong core is key.
Date Published: 30 November 2022