Flexibility and mobility are two important components of your general health and well-being. Understanding their differences can help you move better:
Flexibility relates to the range of motion in your joints. Stretching while passive (holding still), using your body weight, limb support or props, focuses on muscular flexibility.
Mobility relates to your ability to move your body easily and freely. Lift your leg up in the air to a 90°C angle and bring it down again. Active mobility shows how your joints can move actively through their full range of motion.
To test your own flexibility and mobility, raise your knee towards your chest. How far your knee moves without assistance defines your hip mobility. Place your hands on your knee, pulling it closer to your chest. This demonstrates your hip’s overall flexibility.
You need good flexibility for good mobility, so both are beneficial:
Flexibility and mobility exercises are essential for overall health and fitness. They can help you:
- Reduce pain and injury risk
- Improve range of motion and posture
- Enhance athletic performance
- Improve daily functioning
Flexibility exercises lengthen your muscles and connective tissues, while mobility exercises improve your range of motion at the joints. Both types of exercises are important for maintaining a healthy body.
Flexibility is a beneficial post-workout exercise that relaxes tense muscles and reduces body strain. Being able to lengthen your connective tissues through flexibility helps you:
- Avoid injury (flexible tissues allow free and safe movement with proper form)
- Correct muscle imbalances (flexibility exercises can strengthen both sides of your body)
- Have a better posture (with proper alignment)
- Improve daily functioning (with reduced pain from tight muscles you can bend over, get out of bed, reach for something, sit down, and pick up things more easily)
How can I improve my flexibility and mobility?
To help keep your muscles flexible and improve the range of motion of your joints, be sure you:
1. Stretching
· Static stretches require you to hold a stretch while staying still
· Dynamic stretches take your joints and muscles through a regular range of motion activitie
2. Strength train – using exercise bands, weights, or bodyweight exercises to strengthen your joint muscles.
3. Take frequent breaks from sitting
Easy-to-do-at-home mobility and flexibility exercise
Try these active stretch mobility exercises for improved flexibility:
Arm circles
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, raising your arms to either side of your body, forming a “T”.
- Keep your arms straight and start rotating them in large circles, moving from your shoulder joint, keeping your palms faced down.
- Repeat 5-10 times, and switch directions.
Leg swing
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, with your knees softly bent.
- Lift one leg off the ground, keeping a gentle knee bend.
- Gently sweep your lifted leg in front of you, then swing it directly behind you (like a pendulum).
- Repeat 5-10 times, and switch sides.
Swinging spine rotation
- Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, raising your arms to either side of your body, forming a “T”.
- Begin twisting through your spine, moving your arms parallel to the floor.
- Twist left and right through your spine, keeping your hips and legs faced forward.
- Repeat 5-10 times.
These easy Pilates and Yoga exercises can also help increase your flexibility:
Cat-cow pose
- Start on your hands and knees, with a flat back.
- Inhale, arching your back like a cat. Exhale, rounding your back like a cow.
- Repeat 10 times.
Hip stretch
- Lie flat on your back. Bend your knees with your feet on the floor, keeping a neutral spine.
- Bend your right knee until your thigh is 90° to the floor.
- Take your left hand behind your right thigh, grasping your right wrist or elbow with it.
- Press your left thigh open with your left elbow, pulling your right thigh toward your chest with your hands.
- Lie down on the floor with your legs straight, arms at your sides.
- Inhale as you press into the floor with your hands and feet, sending your tailbone toward the ceiling.
- Roll onto your upper back, releasing through your neck and shoulders.
- Pause for a moment, exhale, and lower yourself back down.
Flexibility and mobility go hand-in-hand towards your current and future overall health and wellness. Simply start by taking a few minutes each day to focus on incorporating some flexibility and mobility exercises at home. It’ll certainly pay off in the long run, plus help you to feel stronger and move better in the present!
Date Published: 23 October 2023