Yes, ‘clean eating’ may be the latest buzz circulating your newsfeed, with celebrities like Katy Perry and Gwyneth Paltrow jumping on board and supporting the craze… But this is not another fad, demanding that you cut out each and every single carb or drastically reduce those calories by sucking on thin air and veggie shakes. Clean eating is a lifestyle choice that ultimately demands little of you other than a healthy dose of mindfulness when it comes to the food you serve up on your table. So if you’re not running for the hills at the thought of foregoing that quarter pounder with cheese, then stick around for these easy cues to follow… This may be just the diet you’ve been waiting for all these years!
- Cut out the middlemen.
Clean eating is about getting as close to the original source as possible. Think whole foods or ‘real’ foods if you will. The less processed and refined the better.
- Scrutinise the packaging. While ready-made sauces and meals are often something of a luck in these frantic lives we lead, take heed to read the ingredients list before you readily toss them into your shopping cart. Besides added sugar and salt, ingredients that leave you feeling a little clueless aren’t a good sign.
- Opt for the healthier fats. Clean eating advocates the cutting back of saturated fats but it is by no means a fat-free approach. Rather go for the ‘good’ fats sprinkling nuts on your salads instead of cheese or replacing mayonnaise on a sandwich with a couple of avocado slices.
- Veg out. Think in fifths when it comes to your main meals. Ideally one fifth should be protein, another carbs, while the three remaining should be your serving of vegetables.
- Choose your carbs carefully. While you’re good to go with certain carbs such as whole-wheat breads, quinoa, brown rice and oats, other carbs such as white bread or pasta should be avoided altogether.
- Portion wisely, even your proteins. The recommended serving of meat is no bigger than a pack of cards, a far cry from the generous portions dished up at home or in restaurants. So keep this in mind when preparing meals.
- Where possible, buy organic. While it’s not always possible to ensure that all the foods in our pantry are organically sourced, certain foods like meat are a good place to start. The purer the method of farming, the better for your body.
- Satisfy that sweet tooth with nature’s bounty. Keep that fruit bowl topped up year round. As much as a daily dose of greens is crucial to clean eating, so too is a diet rich in fruit.
- The five meal plan. Stop those energy levels from plummeting and keep cravings at bay with three balanced meals and two snacks daily. To avoid falling prey to that oh-so-tempting bag of crisps, make sure you have your whole-wheat crackers or carrot sticks and hummus packed and ready before leaving home.
- You are what you drink. We can have the best intentions when it comes to eating, but drinking in moderation is just as important. Ideally a glass or two of red wine a day is your best option. Meanwhile, it’s best to steer clear of drinks with fizzy mixers high in sugar.
So what better time than now, as we plunge headfirst into Spring, to say goodbye to bad habits and hello to healthier, happier bodies?
Date Published: 01 September 2016